Conference Program

15:30 - 16:00 (EST)

To enable you to exchange ideas with other supervisory personnel about the challenges you face, you will be assigned to a group of field leaders from outside your area. The number on your badge indicates your assigned table.

16:00 - 16:30 (EST)
Opening Remarks

MCAA leaders will explore the program and why your employers have invested in you with this leadership training.

Opening Remarks image
Mark Rogers
MCAA Past President / President and Owner, West Chester Mechanical Contractors
16:30 - 16:45 (EST)
Getting to Know Your Team

You’ll get to know the other members of your group—plan to discuss your company, its size, your projects, time in the industry, and your challenges.

16:45 - 17:00 (EST)
Team Activity

Come up with a “What Keeps You Up at Night” question at each table.

Team Activity image
Mark Rogers
MCAA Past President / President and Owner, West Chester Mechanical Contractors
Team Activity image
Greg Fuller
MCAA Past President/ President and Owner, North Mechanical Contracting and Services Company
17:00 - 18:00 (EST)
Discussion of Team Activity
Discussion of Team Activity image
Greg Fuller
MCAA Past President/ President and Owner, North Mechanical Contracting and Services Company
Discussion of Team Activity image
Mark Rogers
MCAA Past President / President and Owner, West Chester Mechanical Contractors
18:00 - 20:00 (EST)
Product Demonstration and Dinner Reception

You’ll have a chance to explore the latest tools and construction resources from many of MCAA’s supplier partners.

06:30 - 07:15 (EST)
07:15 - 07:30 (EST)
07:30 - 09:45 (EST)
The Foreman’s Impact on Profitability

You will learn how you and your team impact the company’s profitability and ability to compete for more manhours in today’s marketplace. You will leave understanding the true cost of an hour of labor.

The Foreman’s Impact on Profitability image
Mark Rogers
MCAA Past President / President and Owner, West Chester Mechanical Contractors
09:45 - 10:15 (EST)
10:15 - 11:45 (EST)
What Does it Mean to be a Great Foreman?

You’ll discuss the top 10 attributes of a great foreman.

What Does it Mean to be a Great Foreman? image
Greg Fuller
MCAA Past President/ President and Owner, North Mechanical Contracting and Services Company
11:45 - 13:00 (EST)
13:00 - 14:30 (EST)
Building Relationships: Communication on the Jobsite

As the frontline face of the company and the leader of your crew, you’ll learn how to:

  • Communicate with different players
  • Be a better listener
  • Deal with difficult people
  • Bridge conflict and personality clashes

You’ll take away tricks and tactics to help you get even the most difficult person eating out of your hand and other ideas to improve communication with your crew, other subs, your management and owners.

Building Relationships: Communication on the Jobsite image
Kevin Dougherty
Leading Construction Industry Consultant
14:30 - 14:45 (EST)
14:45 - 16:00 (EST)
Building Relationships: Communication on the Jobsite

As the frontline face of the company and the leader of your crew, you’ll learn how to:

  • Communicate with different players
  • Be a better listener
  • Deal with difficult people
  • Bridge conflict and personality clashes

You’ll take away tricks and tactics to help you get even the most difficult person eating out of your hand and other ideas to improve communication with your crew, other subs, your management and owners.

Building Relationships: Communication on the Jobsite image
Kevin Dougherty
Leading Construction Industry Consultant
16:00 - 17:00 (EST)
Happy Hour/Discussion of the Day
17:00 (EST)
Evening on Your Own
06:30 - 07:15 (EST)
07:15 - 07:30 (EST)
07:30 - 09:00 (EST)
Your Role in Growing Future Leadership

Being a leader in the Mechanical Piping Industry is one of the key elements needed for growth. As a leader you have many responsibilities including working on growing yourself with continued education and training. However, one area that is often overlooked is the responsibility of growing and mentoring our future workforce and future leaders. In this presentation we will discuss how as an industry we have traditionally grown and trained our workforce, but also how to incorporate mentoring as part of the on-the-job education. 

Your Role in Growing Future Leadership image
Chris Haslinger
Administrative Assistant to the General President, United Association
09:00 - 09:15 (EST)
09:15 - 11:30 (EST)
Legacy Leadership

This session will focus on the compelling reasons to promote positive change and the most effective means of achieving it. You will learn:

  • The necessity of seeing field leadership as a professional position, not a blue-collar occupation
  • The difference between building projects and building people
  • The three most effective ways to motivate people on the jobsite
  • How to use influence instead of authority and how that impacts the project
  • Mentoring, coaching and the difference between them
  • How to empower and engage through solicitation of field input and shared decision making

Your stash of new ideas, strategies and tools will help you create a professional self-identity and enhance crew performance.

Legacy Leadership image
Mark Breslin
President, Breslin Strategies
11:30 - 13:00 (EST)
What Have You Learned to Make You a Better Field Leader?
What Have You Learned to Make You a Better Field Leader? image
Mark Rogers
MCAA Past President / President and Owner, West Chester Mechanical Contractors
What Have You Learned to Make You a Better Field Leader? image
Greg Fuller
MCAA Past President/ President and Owner, North Mechanical Contracting and Services Company
13:00 (EST)
Conference Conclusion
Select date to see events.