Daniel Snell

QA/QC Manager

Mollenberg-Betz, Inc

Daniel Snell is currently the QA/QC manager with Mollenberg-Betz, Inc, a Buffalo mechanical contractor. He has oversight of two fabrication facilities quality program in which Daniel is involved with the development of internal welding procedures and welder performance qualifications for both facilities that supports welding in accordance with API, ASME and AWS. He manages the Quality program for both facilities and manages code projects that fall under R stamp repairs and ASME Certification Mark (Boiler External Piping). Daniel is currently the WNY NCPWB Chapter 6 Technical Representatives in which he participates as the Contractor Representative during all joint UA/NCPWB welder testing events. He currently sits as an advisory member to the NCPWB Board and a Vice Chair for the ASME Buffalo Professional Section and a current AWS member. He is also currently a Project Manager for Mollenberg-Betz, specifically in the industrial field with 13 years of experience in project management. He also manages skid fabrication projects and instrumentation panel shop for Mollenberg-Betz.

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